Get in touch with us We can offer a wide variety of components for your event, and we tailor our reenactment displays to each client, the venue and budget. Our displays can be everything from a small band of warriors or craftsmen adding flavour to your event as a 'pop up history' attraction, to large scale multi-day events where we can set up our Living History encampment and provide combat displays or other performances. For the most accurate quote and information on what we can offer please contact us.
How we support you Vikings of Middle England has the expertise and exceptional track-record to make your event great. We can perform at indoor or outdoor venues, on grass or on hard-standing. We've set a blacksmiths forge up on the lawn of a cathedral and fought a battle in the Great Court of the British Museum!
In addition to our displays we also offer technical support and advice on how to safely create areas for our displays. With our high quality P.A. system the audience can hear as well as see the action. We also provide our own First-Aid team, so your valuable first-aiders can concentrate on looking after your customers.
Our participants are highly trained and covered by £multi-million Public Liability Insurance and our salable items are covered by the same cover of Products Liability, so you can be sure our displays are Safe and Secure for your customers.
About our displays About your event Vikings of Middle England has the expertise and exceptional track-record to make your event great. To help you plan your event, we will need to consider the following:
Camping space and suitability — depending on how many tents we need to bring will govern the space required, but most of our tents are 20' x 10' (6x5m) in size, with extra space needed for guy ropes, and ingress/egress. Extra space between tents is needed for people in wheelchairs, or parents with pushchairs. The ground will need to be suitable for putting in 9-12" pegs, and not prone to standing water or flooding. We have limited resource to set tents up on hard-standing, so please contact us.Arena space — to perform combat displays we need a marked arena. We can provide stakes and ropes to create this, but recognise that we may not be the only attraction and that you may build your own. In that case, we need a double barrier with the distance between the inner and outer rope/barrier being at least 6' (2m) apart.Water, WC and Wood — this may seem obvious, but we need 24 hour access to fresh drinking water, lavatory facilities, and if overnight camping is expected, fire wood. These are NOT included in any price quoted and must be provided by the sponsor. If hiring portaloos for multi-day events, you need to take into account that participants will be using them overnight when calculating man-hours.Event scheduling — we will discuss exactly what displays or arena events we will be able to perform, but usually in a 6-hour event day we can perform multiple times, use a rolling-scenario format, or other formats depending on the scope and flavour of the event. Talk to us about any specific historical anniversary and we'll try and cater to it.Site and vehicle access — we need drivable access to the camping area to unload and load our equipment. Setups for larger events are usually done on days preceding the event, so we will need unrestricted access to the camping area during this time. On the event day, we are happy to remove vehicles from the event area, but will need access the moment the event closes to the public (particularly for emergencies in the evenings when the event is closed).We will always require a site-visit with new clients to assess the event area, and discuss details. To get a better idea of what we can offer, or for any queries, please contact us.
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