
Vikings of Middle England

All Media

All media on this website (images, video, copy, graphic etc.) is used with permission of the original author(s)/artist(s)/photographer(s). Vikings of Middle England has no liability for media presented on external sites that are linked to within our pages.

Permission for the use of any media used on this site may be made by enquiring with the following email address:

Media must not be used to train AI (artificial Intelligence), and must not be remixed, reused or redistributed without permission.

Social Media

Photos and Video presented on our official social media channels may be shared in accordance with that platform's options (eg. via the share button). You may download and use images for personal use (ie. social media profile or cover). You may visit our YouTube Channel and use your privileges to play and embed videos owned by Vikings of Middle England.


All copy on the site is Copyright © Vikings of Middle England and represent wholly original works except in cases where attribution is given.


Logos or textmarks may not be used without permission.